Worship Music Thoughts - Praise & Worship P&W

This is a place for Christians to discuss what song Worship is. How do we do it? What works well? How do we balance many issues facing us? Tough questions will be asked. We can also share favorites (songs, bands, websites) and worst "favorites" (songs, bands, etc). I hope to learn and grow and get some great ideas.

Location: Eagle Grove, Iowa, United States

I was born in 1973 in Zaire, Africa. My parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents on my mom’s side were all missionaries with the Evangelical Free Church in Zaire. I graduated from boarding school in Zaire (Ubangi Academy) in 1991 and went to Moody Bible Institute. I spent my summers working at Hidden Acres, the Evangelical Free Church camp in Iowa and it was there I met my lovely and gracious wife, Lori (though we didn’t fall in love there). I received a B.A. in Youth Ministry from Moody and spent over 5 years in an Independent Baptist Church in rural Michigan. I left there at God’s call in 2002 to serve at Grace Evangelical Free Church in Eagle Grove, Iowa, as the Youth Pastor. I have an incredible son, Benjamin, and a beautiful daughter, Elise. My wife is a huge part of our ministry with the youth. I am currently pursuing (slowly) a Master of Arts and Religion from Reformed Theological Seminary through their virtual campus (distance education). My passions are for the glory of God, my family, guitar, volleyball, sports in general, and students. Though the future is unclear, I believe God has called me to “full-time” ministry.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Confession about Worship

For quite a few years I've had a pretty strong desire to lead worship - not just on the side in spare time, but even as a full time job. I absolutely love playing guitar, learning to play new songs, thinking about what song worship is, how to do it, etc. I enjoy improving on the guitar and would love to devote much more time to music.

I suppose that isn't a big confession. I've never really stated that before - before this past Sunday night when I said it to my wife. I guess there's always been a sense of guilt with it or a sense of pride. Guilt - I find too much pleasure in it; maybe that it's not fitting for me to do that (I love to teach and love theology - which I know do or should play a huge part in songs). Pride - I think I'll become proud much too easily; Similar to guilt - I'm not sure I've been called to that - I really love to teach. Also on the pride side - I realize that my musical abilities are incredibly small compared to music majors - from theory, to guitar, and especially to voice - I have a lot to learn (though I know more than the average guitar hacker). That also makes me feel absolutely incompetent.

So I'm saying it - I do have a passion for leading song worship. I really do. I love it. I love preparing for it. I think on it often.

I don't have any great thoughts as to how that affects my future. I do believe that God has called me to "full-time ministry" - but what that is for the future, I have no idea. I'm sure my simple (and they are very simple) musical abilities will be used in what happens, but I really have no idea how much.

I continue to pray to God - here I am. Use me however you want to. You have known all along that I love singing songs of praise to you. Take that for your glory, along with my other gifts and talents - and even my weaknesses. Amen